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Blog punkića
Blog ex-Miočana
Moja seka
Još jedan punkić ;)
grungerica dea
Mjesto: Zadar
Škola: a što mislite... MIOC
Datum rođenja: 8.8.1990
Muzika: 90 % grunge, 8% metala, 2% ostalo
O sebi: pitajte nekog ko me zna... siguran sam da će sve lipe stvari reći...

MSN: rocky_cro@hotmail.com
ICQ: 194-316-441
Mail: rockycro@net.hr

Što slušam:

(iako me to ne definira kao osobu ni na koji način, glupo je nekog zvati metalac, šminker itd.)

Alice in Chains
Pearl Jam
Days of the new
Stone Temple Pilots
Mother Love Bone
Mad Season
Jerry Cantrell
Chris Cornell
Screaming Trees
Days of the New
Foo Fighters
Queens of the stone age
Temple of the Dog
Smashing Pumpkins

Od drugih tipova glazbe(ne grunge):
Boards of Canada
Dream Theater
Children of Bodom
Depeche Mode
Skunk Anasie
Jeff Buckley
The Doors
Os mutantes
Southpark soundtrack-s
Romper Stomper Soundtrack

Što sam sluša preko tjedna:
some_Nazi_dude's Profile Page

Alice in chains-frogs

What does friend mean to you?
A word so wrongfully abused
Are you like me, confused
All included but you


The sounds of silence often soothe
Shapes and colors shift with mood
Pupils widen and change their hue
Rapid brown avoid clear blue

Why's it have to be this way
Be this way
Be this way
Be this way
Be this way
Be this way

Flowers watched through wide eyes blue
A child sings an unclaimed tune
Innocence spins cold cocoon
Grow to see the pain too soon

Why's it have to be this way
Be this way
Be this way
Be this way
Be this way
Be this way

Soundgarden - Black hole sun

In my eyes
In disguise
As no one knows
Hides the face
Lies the snake
The sun
In my disgrace
Boiling heat
Summer stench
neath the black
The sky looks dead
Call my name
Through the cream
And Ill hear you
Scream again

Black hole sun
Wont you come
And wash away the rain
Black hole sun
Wont you come
Wont you come

Cold and damp
Steal the warm wind
Tired friend
Times are gone
For honest men
And sometimes
Far too long
For snakes
In my shoes
A walking sleep
And my youth
I pray to keep
Heaven send
Hell away
No one sings
Like you

Hang my head
Drown my fear
Till you all just

petak, 29.06.2007.

game over


| 22:08 | SPEAK human(?)!!! | (2) |

nedjelja, 17.06.2007.

Mother Love Bone - najbolji bend

Mother Love Bone has become a legendary Seattle band, but its music is less familiar than its story. The heroin overdose that killed lead singer Andrew Wood came just before the release of "Apple," the band's major label debut, and this seminal forerunner of the Seattle sound that has become such a major force sank without a trace. Now, however, with the success of Pearl Jam, which includes Mother Love Bone alumni Jeff Ament and Stone Gossard, and the slow climb of the Wood tribute album, "Temple of the Dog," Mercury has made another attempt to find an audience for the original. The label has combined the band's "Shine" EP and "Apple" on one release, plus some unreleased material, and it shows just what a loss Wood's OD really was. His vocals and lyric sensibility give Mother Love Bone a completely different take than Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Soundgarden or Alice In Chains.

In fact, the songs are even more impressive now than when they were first released, for today they fit into a category of music that barely existed when "Apple" was recorded. Fans of the Seattle sound in general will be amply rewarded should they purchase this record, and those who particularly like Pearl Jam and Soundgarden should definitely investigate Mother Love Bone. The tragedy of Wood's death is the only shadow that hangs over this album, for it is clear Mother Love Bone was still a young band with a great future when these songs were written. But drugs stopped the music, as they have for so many others, and all that's left are might-have-beens -- and this album

| 18:42 | SPEAK human(?)!!! | (2) |

srijeda, 16.05.2007.


Samo da kažem, da mi se sada ne da pisati zašto ce ratova uvik biti...
Danas sam raspravlja sa nekim o ratovima, i zašto su loši, ja sam bio na strani da su dobri...
Sada ucim biologiju, u iducem postu, raspravu i dokaz zašto su ratovi dobra stvar...
Nemojte me sada svi napasti da sam u krivu, kada nisam...


| 22:32 | SPEAK human(?)!!! | (6) |

četvrtak, 26.04.2007.


vec godinu dana, ja ne nalazim smisao u nicem
ni u skoli
ni u prijateljima
ni igrama
ni filmovima
ni internetu
u nicem
izgubia sam vjeru u boga
ne znam sto da radim.
krizma mi ne predstavlja nista.
sve mi je nista.
mozda se propucam. jedini izlaz.

| 21:54 | SPEAK human(?)!!! | (18) |

nedjelja, 08.04.2007.


šiša sam se. dadada...

| 09:50 | SPEAK human(?)!!! | (5) |

četvrtak, 05.04.2007.

NINE INCH NAILS - Mr Self Destruct

I am the voice inside your head
and I control you
I am the lover in your bed
and I control you
I am the sex that you provide
and I control you
I am the hate you try to hide
and I control you
I take you where you want to go
I give you all you need to know
I drag you down I use you up
Mr. Self-destruct
I speak religion's message clear
and I control you
I am denial guilt and fear
and I control you
I am the prayers of the naive
and I control you
I am the lie that you believe
and I control you
I take you where you want to go
I give you all you need to know
I drag you down I use you up
Mr. Self-destruct
I am the needle in your vein
and I control you
I am the high you can't sustain
and I control you
I am the pusher I'm a whore
and I control you
I am the need you have for more
and I control you
I am the bullet in the gun
and I control you
I am the truth from which you run
and I control you
I am the silencing machine
and I control you
I am the end of all your dreams
and I control you
I take you where you want to go
I give you all you need to know
I drag you down I use you up
Mr. Self-destruct

| 16:20 | SPEAK human(?)!!! | (0) |

utorak, 13.03.2007.


Tko je naslijedio na kneževskom tronu hrvatskog kneza Branimira?

Tko je osnivač arapske dinastije Omejida (Omejada)?

Vidite kakva ja sranja moram učiti za natjecanje!? ali barem mi je gušt.... lool

Mrzim kada ne mogu pomoci nekom. Kada je netko lose volje, a ja ga ne mogu oraspoloziti...

Mrzim kada nesto napravim, a ne promislim.

Mrzim sebe jer sam sa bratom ubija sestri ježa(bacili smo ga u more i utopija se) kada smo bili mali. :(

Mrzim učiti za ispit iz engleskog gramatiku.

Mrzim kada mi se ne uči, a moram učiti.

i tako...

| 11:03 | SPEAK human(?)!!! | (7) |

petak, 09.03.2007.

Ulična lampa, osamljena, stajala je, okružena mrakom, u nepreglednom prostoru. Kukci su se
okupili oko svjetla žarulje na vrhu. Neka djevojka je stajala naslonjena na lampu. Ispuhivala je dim cigarete iz usta. Pušila je duvan za duvanom.
Stajala je tamo, tupo zureći u daljinu. I razmišljala o sebi. Shvaćala
je samu sebe kao nenormalnu osobu, psihodeličnu, no njeni problemi uopće nisu bili takvi (:P).
Psihodelična možda, nenormalna ne.
Doimala se kao vesela, zanimljiva osoba.
Djeluje malo izgubljeno ponekad, pa i sada, dok stoji naslonjena na lampu, izgleda zbunjeno i
Ugasila je cigaretu. Par minuta tišine. Totalne. Crne. Duboke.
Mijenjali su joj se izrazi lica. Kao da se borila s nečim. Sa samom sobom.
Najednom je krenula negdje.
Valjda dobrim putem.
Ona lampa joj ni ne treba da joj osvijetli put. Sama će si to napraviti...

And I feel them drown my name
So easy to know and forget with this kiss
I'm not afraid to go but it goes so slow

| 12:02 | SPEAK human(?)!!! | (8) |

srijeda, 21.02.2007.

Polly mi je predala jebenu štafetu i sada tribam napisati pet stvari o sebi...
Bitne ili nebitne...

1. Užasno sam živčan... Nekad ne mogu spavati od nervoze, ko npr. ovu prošlu noć...
Dosta ljudi to nervira ali jebiga, što ćeš... Dignu mi tlak sitnice, a one bitne stvari, koje su većinom puta dobre ni ne primjećujem.

2. Uvik se bojim da će mi nokti ispasti van, pa ih pritišćem unutra, tj. pogurkujem ih prema dolje. Kada me uhvati to raditi, razderem kožu na prstu kojim ih pogurkujem... Čudno!?

3. Slušam gotovo istu muziku od 1. osnovne pa do danas. Grunge. Iako sam slušao sve i svašta, ostao sam vjeran toj glazbi. Mislim da to više nije glazba za mene, nešto više, sastavni dio mene i moje osobnosti... Obožavam grunge! :)

4. Obožavam povijest, igrice sa ratnom tematikom te naravno vojsku... Znam masu iz povijesti i naravno, idem na natjecanje :P
U igricama s ratom rasturam, nek me netko proba pobijediti u Medieval-u... :P
U vojsku bih volia ići, ali ako me pošalju u Irak, nema šanse da se ja borim za Amerikance...

5. Do 6. godine života živija sam na selu, tj. u Privlaci(koja je zapravo ko omanji grad), i zbog toga obožavam prirodu i fascinira me nebo, i ljepota prirode uopće... :)

Spava mi se... :P

| 18:11 | SPEAK human(?)!!! | (14) |

četvrtak, 15.02.2007.

Sretan rođendan Antonia!

Danas se prije 18 godina rodila moja sestra Antonia u Općoj bolnici u Zadru... Čim se rodila počela je iritantno plakati i do dana danšnjeg uvik nešto njurga ili se svađa s neikm. :P
Dok sam bio malen, uvik me branila i čuvala, osim jednom kada me skoro ugušila krokijem...
Kroz djetinjstvo smo se mnogo puta potukli, posvađali itd. ali ti si i dalje za mene bila moja jedina i najbolja sestra! Sva srića da oboje brzo opraštamo, jer bi inače po godinu dana bili posvađani...
Možda me nerviraš dosta puta, i ja tebe isto, ali nema veze... Sve su to nebitne sitnice.

Pisa bi još, ali imam tri predmeta za danas naučiti pa sam u stisci s vremenom.

Antonia, zapiti ćemo se za tvoj rođendan naravno! ;D
Još jednom, sretan ti 18. rođendan!

| 09:12 | SPEAK human(?)!!! | (5) |

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